Delhi weather: Components of the city that received rainfall this morning consisted of East of Kailash, Burari, Shahdara, Patparganj, ITO going across and India Entrance.
Delhi is witnessing hefty rain with the onset of monsoon, bringing alleviation after days of a warm as well as damp weather condition that saw the temperature level rising to 40 degrees Celsius.
Parts of the city that got rainfall today included East of Kailash, Burari, Shahdara, Patparganj, ITO crossing as well as India Gateway. The temperature level settled at 27.6 degrees Celsius.
A traffic advisory has actually also been provided for travelers describing the climate office’s rainfall alert.
The southwest monsoon was anticipated to arrive in the city on Thursday or Friday, with predictions of rainfall, according to the India Meteorological Division.
Weather condition experts suggest the gale will produce excellent rainfall in the first 10 days and assist cover the rain deficit in Delhi. The city has received simply 24.5 mm of rains against the regular 66.7 mm given that June 1, all of it being tape-recorded throughout June 16-20.
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Resources: NDTV
Last Updated: 30 June 2022