Personal Life & Work Life of Samuel Alexander

The Worlds Times: Explain your background and “C2CFASHTECH” in detail.

Samuel Alexander: Samuel Alexander, the visionary founder and CEO of C2C (Concept 2 Consumption) Fashion and Technology LLC, has built an extraordinary reputation in the fashion and technology industries. With over four decades of experience, his expertise spans product design, global sourcing, branding, marketing, and seamless technology integration, culminating in the groundbreaking B2B2C fashion ecosystem at C2C Fashion and Technology.

Beyond his entrepreneurial success, Samuel Alexander’s influence extends far and wide as a globally recognized expert in all things digital. His wisdom has graced renowned stages at events like South by Southwest, U.S. China Innovation & Investment Summit, MBDA Department of Commerce, IFAI Expo, and TEDx Austin 2023, where he delivered a transformative talk on “Revolutionizing Fashion For A Circular And Sustainable Future With Technology,” showcasing his deep understanding of circular economy principles and entrepreneurship.

Not content with personal success, Samuel Alexander gives back to the community and fosters future talent through numerous speaking and mentoring engagements. He actively contributes to the growth and development of students at The University of Texas Austin, Texas State University Net-Impact Chapter, University of North Texas Denton, and Washington State, inspiring the next generation of fashion and technology leaders.

His dedication to the industry and sustainability is further evident in his involvement with various organizations and initiatives. Samuel Alexander actively collaborates with the Fashion Industries Council of Austin (FICA), The Washington Mandela Fellowship, McCallum Fine Art High School Fashion Incubator, and Reversepitch-City of Austin, sharing his knowledge and experiences to foster innovation and progress.

Additionally, his commitment to environmental responsibility shines through in his participation in the IPC E-Textiles committee for smart products and the Trash Makeover Challenge/Texas Campaign for the Environment. Moreover, Samuel Alexander continues to support and elevate the fashion industry through his engagement with the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) and the ACC Fashion Incubator, providing valuable insights and mentorship to aspiring designers and entrepreneurs.

Featured in prominent publications such as Forbes, WWD, Apparel Resources, Austin Business Journal, and Thrive Global, Samuel Alexander’s influence is undeniable. His dedication to transforming the fashion industry into a circular and sustainable force powered by technology remains unwavering.

In conclusion, Samuel Alexander’s extraordinary journey from fashion expertise to tech innovation, coupled with his commitment to mentorship and sustainability, positions him as a true trailblazer. Through C2C Fashion and Technology and his extensive speaking engagements, he is driving meaningful change, inspiring future leaders, and reshaping the fashion landscape for a more sustainable and responsible future.

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work with renowned fashion labels such as Levi Strauss, Votre Nom Paris, Gloria Vanderbilt, Jones of New York, Shelli Segal, and many others. These experiences allowed me to gain valuable insights into the inner workings of the fashion industry and develop a deep understanding of its challenges and opportunities.

C2C Fashion and Technology

C2C Fashion and Technology is here to revolutionize the fashion industry by seamlessly integrating fashion and technology into a global ecosystem. We offer a full-service, one-stop consortium for businesses, providing interactive multimedia marketing, product development, and cloud technology integration.

At C2C, we understand the power of digital transformation and its impact on societies and economies. Our mission is to address the transition towards new organizational paradigms driven by digital technologies. By embracing the convergence of physical and digital environments, we are shifting the fashion industry from passive buyer-seller interactions to engaging and interactive experiences.

Our goal is to reinvent the fashion industry by creating a real-time virtual duplication of the production and consumption system. We achieve this through the utilization of “smart factories,” “smart networks,” and the development of “smart products.” We believe in reshaping the fashion industry into a sustainable and customer-driven business while embracing the concept of re-shoring and integrating cutting-edge technologies.

What sets us apart is our commitment to environmental responsibility. At C2C Fashion and Technology, we design out waste and embrace a life-cycle approach to sustainability. We believe in using resources wisely and efficiently to prevent depletion and pollution. From energy and carbon emissions to water usage and waste management, we are passionate about addressing key environmental factors.

By implementing sustainable practices and leveraging innovative technologies, we actively contribute to preserving the environment. Our products are specifically designed, redesigned, or reused to promote a circular economy. We consider the entire life cycle, minimizing waste and maximizing sustainability. From product design to end-of-life considerations, environmental responsibility is at the forefront of our operations.

We offer a range of services to transform your business:

Product Design and Development: Our team of experts will help you bring your fashion ideas to life through innovative design and development processes.

Customs and Logistics: Seamlessly manage your global supply chain with our comprehensive customs and logistics solutions, ensuring efficient and timely delivery.

Technology Integration: We integrate state-of-the-art cloud-based solutions into your business operations, empowering you to leverage the latest technological advancements.

Global Sourcing: Access a vast network of global suppliers to find the best materials and resources for your fashion business.

Manufacturing: Collaborate with our network of smart factories to achieve efficient and sustainable production processes.

Branding and Marketing: Our multimedia marketing strategies will help you create a strong brand presence and reach your target audience effectively.

Experience fashion like never before with our IoT Fashion solutions. Our intelligent and connected garments include textile-integrated biometric sensors, flexible electronic integration, yarn-based sensors with textile embedded hardware, printed electronics, medical optical/electrical sensors, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth integration, PCB integration, GPS integration, and LED and fiber optics.

C2C Fashion and Technology

Unlock new possibilities with our key offerings:

  1. C2C Intranet: A powerful portal providing a centralized platform for employees to access internal and external resources, fostering collaboration and communication within your global workplace.
  2. C2C Fashtech: API integrations for software companies to the C2C fashion and Technology ecosystem as software as a service.
  3. C2C Business Connect: Forge meaningful connections with clients in a digital environment through online events, business conferences, workshops, webinars, and product launches.
  4. C2C V-shop: Leverage AI, AR, MR, and VR technologies to offer customers personalized avatar life models, virtual try-ons, and tailored product suggestions, enhancing the shopping experience.
  5. C2C Business Builder: Streamline your wholesale business operations by integrating fulfillment and production processes into a single software program. Features include ERP, PLM, CRM integration, and design and production APIs.
  6. C2C Multiverse: Revolutionize customer-business interactions by providing a unique digital environment for exploring products, making purchases, and sharing experiences.
  7. C2C Interact: Technological developments in social digital interactive product development and marketing will empower the buyer to interact, belong, influence, Informed, and charge the brands from which they buy.
  8. C2C Crypto: Simplify invoicing and payment processes with our global payment gateway that accepts various crypto-currencies, ensuring secure and efficient transactions.
  9. C2C ChatGPT: Our AI-powered Chabot is here to assist you with any questions you have about C2C Fashion and Technology. While still in beta, our ChatGPT is continuously learning and improving to provide you with accurate and helpful responses.
  10. C2C Fashtech IoT: Products with Nano and bio-technology for the smart cities.

By bringing together these diverse disciplines, we aim to create a more sustainable and technologically advanced IoT fashion industry. We value the opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment, promote ethical practices, and foster growth, collaboration, and innovation within the industry.

Our vision encompasses not only the development of innovative products and technologies but also the reshaping of the industry as a whole. We strive to lead the way in fashion technology, focusing on Nano and biotechnology fashion, and embracing the concept of smart cities and development of “smart factories,” “smart networks,” and “smart products.”

We are committed to sustainable practices and have initiated the use of innovative materials such as hemp, mushroom leather, cactus leather, and Made 2 Measure custom clothing. By leveraging robotic, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology, we are reshaping the fashion industry and creating a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.

We value the transformative power of our vision and the potential to create a more holistic and future-forward fashion ecosystem. This vision inspires us to continue pushing boundaries, driving positive change, and contributing to the sustainable development of the fashion industry.

C2C Fashion and Technology

C2CFASHTECH is a comprehensive backend platform for software developers to integrate into the C2C intranet business social platform.

C2c Intranet is build for global collaboration in a business social platform.

Welcome to C2C Fashtech, the innovative new division of C2C Fashion and Technology. As a full-service, one-stop consortium, we provide businesses with interactive multimedia marketing, product development, and cloud technology integration. We understand the power of digital transformation and its profound impact on societies and economies. Our mission is to address the transition towards new organizational paradigms driven by digital technologies, revolutionizing the fashion industry from passive buyer-seller interactions to engaging and interactive experiences.

At C2C Fashtech, we are committed to reinventing the fashion industry by creating a real-time virtual duplication of the production and consumption system. Through the utilization of “smart factories,” “smart networks,” and the development of “smart products,” we reshape the fashion landscape into a sustainable and customer-driven business. We embrace the concept of re-shoring and integrate cutting-edge technologies to provide unparalleled value to our clients.

Now, with C2C Fashtech, we introduce a groundbreaking solution that seamlessly integrates software products into the C2C Fashion and Technology global ecosystem. Our aim is to revolutionize the way API companies connect with businesses by offering them a comprehensive dashboard to monitor subscriptions and manage clients with ease.

Our Vision:

At C2C Fashtech, we envision an ecosystem that unifies all stakeholders in the fashion and technology industry on a single platform. We understand the challenges faced by API companies in reaching and connecting with businesses. Therefore, we have developed a powerful solution that empowers API companies to efficiently and effectively provide their services.

The Solution:

With C2C Fashtech, API or Application Programming Interface companies gain access to a robust dashboard that enables them to monitor subscriptions, manage clients, and seamlessly control the usage of their software. This intuitive interface streamlines operations, optimizes services, and drives growth in their client base. By simplifying the integration process and enhancing control over API subscriptions, C2C Fashtech creates a win-win situation for API companies and businesses alike.

Key Features:

Dashboard: Our comprehensive dashboard provides API companies with real-time analytics and insights into their subscription base. This empowers them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their offerings.

Subscription Management: API companies can efficiently manage client subscriptions, including on-boarding new clients, tracking usage, and ensuring a seamless experience throughout the subscription period.

C2C Fashion and Technology

Client Control: C2C Fashtech empowers API companies to exercise granular control over client access and usage. This ensures security, privacy, and compliance with specific requirements.

Ecosystem Integration: Our platform enables businesses to explore a wide range of API programs from different providers. This allows them to connect with the entire ecosystem seamlessly, fostering collaborations, partnerships, and expanded business horizons.

Revenue Model:

To leverage the benefits of C2C Fashtech, API companies will pay a one-time setup fee of $500 per company plus 20% of their sales per licensed API subscription. This sustains the ongoing development and support of the platform.


C2C Fashtech is poised to revolutionize the API integration landscape within the fashion and technology industry. By providing a powerful dashboard, seamless integration capabilities, and extensive control over subscriptions, we foster growth, collaboration, and innovation for API companies and businesses in the C2C Fashion and Technology global ecosystem. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the full potential of your software offerings in this dynamic and interconnected industry.

The Worlds Times: Give us one word that describes you the best.

Samuel Alexander: Driven

Goals & Strength of Samuel Alexander

The Worlds Times: What are your goals?

  • To be a Full-service, one-stop consortium for businesses
  • Offers interactive multimedia marketing, product development, and cloud technology integration, and sourcing
  • Provides SaaS (Software as a Service) cloud-based solutions
  • Connects all aspects of businesses from concept to consumption

Samuel Alexander: Our main goal is to reinvent and reshoring of the fashion industry through the integration of fashion, technology, medicine, and the arts. We aim to develop domestic production in an ecologically sound and technologically progressive way. Our focus is on Nano and biotechnology smart fashion, and we strive to be the leader in fashion technology. The main paradigmatic change we bring to the fashion industry is the reshoring of fashion by embracing a sustainable concept and combining “smart factories,” “smart networks,” and “smart products” to produce products for smarts cities.

C2C Fashion and Technology

Our goals are centered on revolutionizing the fashion industry, promoting sustainability, and becoming a leader in fashion technology.

C2C Fashion and Technology

Our main objectives include:

Reshoring factories: We aim to leverage new technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and blockchain to reshore fashion production. By bringing manufacturing closer to domestic markets, we seek to reduce the carbon footprint and ensure more sustainable and technologically advanced production processes.

Developing sustainable new products: We are committed to developing innovative and sustainable fashion products. Our focus is on utilizing materials such as hemp, mushroom leather, and cactus leather, which offer eco-friendly alternatives to traditional textiles. Additionally, we emphasize made-to-measure custom clothing, promoting a more personalized and waste-free approach to fashion. Our goal is designing out waste by leveraging product design for a life-cycle approach to environmental responsibility.

Our Products are made, redesigned or reused for a more circular life. 

Environmental Sustainability is our belief that all humans must use resources wisely and efficiently so that these resources never become exhausted or over polluted.  We are passionate about energy, carbon, water and waste.

Integration of fashion, technology, medicine, and the arts: We strive to integrate fashion, technology, medicine, and the arts to bring about a paradigm shift in the fashion industry. By combining these disciplines, we aim to create a more holistic and forward-thinking approach to fashion, fostering growth, collaboration, and innovation.

Leadership in fashion technology: We aspire to be a leader in fashion technology, particularly in the areas of Nano and biotechnology smart fashion. Through our innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies, we aim to drive advancements in the industry and set new standards for sustainable and technologically progressive fashion.

Overall, our goals revolve around reinventing the fashion industry through sustainable practices, integration of diverse disciplines, and leadership in fashion technology. We are committed to fostering growth, collaboration, and innovation within the industry while promoting a more environmentally conscious and technologically advanced future.

The Worlds Times: What do you feel is the biggest strength of “C2CFASHTECH” right now?

Samuel Alexander: The biggest strength of C2CFASHTECH right now is our unique integration of a global ecosystem. By combining these diverse disciplines, we bring a fresh perspective and innovative solutions to the fashion industry. This interdisciplinary approach allows us to drive significant change and create a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.

Additionally, our focus on reshoring production and adopting sustainable practices sets us apart from traditional fashion companies. We prioritize ecologically sound production methods, utilizing materials such as hemp, mushroom leather, cactus leather, and Made 2 Measure custom clothing. This commitment to sustainability resonates with consumers who are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of the fashion industry.

Furthermore, our utilization of advanced technologies such as robotic systems, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology positions us at the forefront of fashion technology. These technologies enhance efficiency, transparency, and the overall fashion experience, giving us a competitive advantage in the market.

Overall, our biggest strength lies in our unique interdisciplinary approach, commitment to sustainability, and utilization of cutting-edge technologies.

Work, Path & Challenges

The Worlds Times: What was the path you took to get to where you are today?

Samuel Alexander: Samuel Alexander: My path to where I am today has been shaped by my passion for the global fashion industry and my dedication to driving innovation and sustainability. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, I have acquired extensive knowledge and expertise in product design/development, global sourcing/production, strategic branding/marketing, and technology integration. As the founder and CEO of C2C Fashion and Technology LLC, based in Austin, TX, I have merged my understanding of both the fashion and technology sectors to create a groundbreaking B2B2C fashion ecosystem.

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with renowned fashion labels such as Levi Strauss, Votre Nom Paris, Gloria Vanderbilt, Jones of New York, Shelli Segal, and many others. These experiences have provided me with valuable insights into the inner workings of the fashion industry and a deep understanding of its challenges and opportunities.

I have been featured in reputable publications including Forbes, WWD, Apparel Resources, Austin Business Journal, and Thrive Global, and have spoken at prominent conferences such as South by Southwest, U.S. China Innovation & Investment Summit, MBDA Department of Commerce, and IFAI Expo. These opportunities have allowed me to share my expertise and knowledge on digital innovation in the fashion industry, further establishing myself as an internationally recognized expert in ‘all things digital.’

I also serve as a mentor: C2C Fashion and Technology is a full-service, one-stop consortium that caters to businesses’ needs for interactive multimedia marketing, product development, and cloud technology integration. Our SaaS (Software as a Service) cloud-based solutions connect all aspects of businesses from concept to consumption, providing a comprehensive backend platform for software developers to integrate into the C2C intranet business social platform. This platform enables global collaboration in a business social setting, organizing users into departments or relevant groups for teamwork, sharing and discussing documents and media files, and facilitating real-time notifications and activity streams for improved connectivity.

My journey to this point has been driven by a desire to reshape the fashion industry and embrace a sustainable concept that combines fashion, technology, medicine, and the arts. I aim to lead the industry in Nano and biotechnology smart fashion, leveraging the potential of “smart factories,” “smart networks,” and “smart products” to drive transformative change. Through C2C Fashion and Technology, we are committed to creating a more holistic and future-forward fashion ecosystem that promotes growth, collaboration, and innovation within the industry.

The Worlds Times: Why did you start “C2CFASHTECH”?

Samuel Alexander: I founded C2CFASHTECH to connect the industry with API integrations. The fashion industry does not understand technology and the technology industry does not understand the fashion industry. We are the bridge between the two industries. My vision is to revolutionize the fashion industry and address the pressing challenges it faces. The global fashion industry is confronted with environmental issues, such as textile waste in landfills, the extensive use of plastic materials, and significant carbon emissions and industrial wastewater pollution. These challenges demanded a transformative solution.

At the core of C2CFASHTECH is our commitment to reshaping the fashion industry through sustainable practices and the integration of fashion, technology, medicine, and the arts. We recognized the need to develop domestic production in an ecologically sound and technologically progressive way.

Our goal is to be a leader in fashion technology, with a focus on Nano and biotechnology smart fashion. By combining “smart factories,” “smart networks,” and “smart products,” we aim to drive a paradigmatic change in the industry. Reshoring factories and embracing sustainable concepts are central to our approach.

Through C2CFASHTECH, we provide a comprehensive platform that offers efficient subscription management, client control, and ecosystem integration. Our dashboard provides real-time analytics and insights, enabling data-driven decision-making and optimization. Clients can efficiently manage subscriptions, exercise granular control over client access and usage, and explore API programs to foster collaborations, partnerships, and expanded business horizons.

Our commitment to sustainable production practices sets us apart from traditional fashion companies. We prioritize the utilization of innovative materials such as hemp, mushroom leather, cactus leather, and Made 2 Measure custom clothing. By leveraging robotic systems, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology, we are reshaping the fashion industry and creating a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.

The Worlds Times: What have been the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome during the journey of your leadership?

Samuel Alexander: The journey of my leadership at C2CFASHTECH has presented various challenges that have tested our resilience and determination. Some of the significant challenges we have encountered include:

Resistance to change: Introducing innovative concepts and integrating technology into a traditionally conservative industry has not been without its challenges. Overcoming resistance to change and convincing stakeholders of the value and potential of our vision required persistent efforts in communication, education, and demonstrating tangible benefits.

Sustainable supply chain: Building a sustainable supply chain has been a complex challenge. From sourcing eco-friendly materials to ensuring ethical manufacturing practices, we have encountered obstacles in aligning all aspects of the supply chain with our sustainability goals. We have worked diligently to forge partnerships with suppliers and manufacturers who share our commitment to responsible practices.

Technological implementation: Integrating advanced technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and blockchain into the fashion industry has required careful planning and execution. Overcoming technological barriers, ensuring seamless integration, and educating stakeholders about the benefits of these technologies have been ongoing challenges that we continue to address.

Shifting consumer behavior: Encouraging consumers to embrace sustainable fashion and change their purchasing behaviors has presented its own set of challenges. While there is a growing awareness and demand for sustainability, breaking away from conventional buying habits and educating consumers about the value of sustainable fashion requires persistent efforts in marketing, storytelling, and creating a compelling brand narrative.

Industry collaboration: Fostering collaboration and partnerships within the fashion industry has been crucial for our success. However, the competitive nature of the industry and the need to overcome traditional rivalries and silos has posed challenges. We have proactively sought opportunities to collaborate with like-minded organizations and stakeholders to drive collective progress and amplify our impact.

Despite these challenges, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to our vision of reinventing the fashion industry. Each obstacle has served as a catalyst for innovation, learning, and growth. With a dedicated team and a strong focus on sustainability, technology, and interdisciplinary integration, we have been able to overcome hurdles and make significant strides in creating a more sustainable and technologically advanced fashion ecosystem.

The Worlds Times: What are the key values which helped you to overcome the challenges in your path? Tell us something about your memorable incident in your leadership?

Samuel Alexander:

The key values that have helped me overcome challenges on my path include a strong focus on innovation and forward-thinking. I believe in staying away from those who are fixated on the analog world and instead surrounding myself with individuals who embrace the digital world and its potential for transformation.

One memorable incident in my leadership journey was when I led a team to implement a digital transformation initiative within our organization. Despite facing resistance from some team members who were accustomed to traditional methods, we persisted in our vision of embracing digital technologies to streamline operations and improve efficiency. Through open communication, collaboration, and a relentless commitment to our vision, we successfully navigated the challenges and witnessed remarkable results in the form of increased productivity, cost savings, and enhanced customer experiences. This incident reinforced the importance of staying true to our values and embracing innovation to drive positive change.

Vision & Future of C2CFASHTECH

The Worlds Times: What do you value the most about “C2CFASHTECH” vision?

Samuel Alexander:

My vision is to revolutionizing the fashion and technology industry through digital transformation. By embracing cutting-edge technologies and reshaping the fashion landscape into a sustainable and customer-driven business, C2CFASHTECH demonstrates a strong vision for the future. Additionally, the emphasis on seamless integration, comprehensive dashboard, and ecosystem collaboration reflects a focus on empowering API companies and businesses alike, fostering growth, collaboration, and innovation within the industry.

The Worlds Times: How do you see “C2CFASHTECH” changing in two years, and how do you see yourself creating that change?

Samuel Alexander: Digital Transformation: C2C Fashion and Technology is leading the way in the fashion industry’s digital transformation, incorporating cutting-edge technologies like smart factories, smart networks, and smart products. This transformation revolutionizes the production and consumption system, creating a real-time virtual duplication of the fashion ecosystem.

Enhanced Customer Engagement: With the integration of technology, C2C Fashion and Technology is driving enhanced customer engagement through interactive multimedia marketing and product development. This shift from passive buyer-seller interactions to engaging experiences fosters stronger connections between brands and their customers.

Sustainable Business Practices: C2C Fashion and Technology’s emphasis on re-shoring and sustainable practices contributes to the fashion industry’s move towards a more eco-friendly and socially responsible business model. By embracing sustainability, the division sets an example for the entire industry, promoting responsible manufacturing and consumption.

Streamlined Cloud Technology Integration: C2C Fashion and Technology’s one-stop consortium approach simplifies cloud technology integration for businesses. By offering seamless access to API programs through C2C Fashtech, the division empowers companies to efficiently leverage technology, driving operational efficiency and innovation.

Global Ecosystem Connectivity: C2C Fashion and Technology’s platform fosters global ecosystem connectivity by bringing together stakeholders from various segments of the industry. This interconnected network encourages collaborations, partnerships, and knowledge sharing, leading to accelerated growth and advancement in the fashion and technology landscape.


The Worlds Times: What are the strategies of “C2CFASHTECH” and how do you stand unique from your competitors?

Samuel Alexander: We are a global ecosystem focused on fashion and technology. Our view is to build a global ecosystem; most of my competitors are trying to sell software.

Comprehensive Dashboard: C2C Fashtech offers a powerful and comprehensive dashboard that provides real-time analytics and insights into API subscriptions, offering API companies unparalleled visibility and control over their operations and client base.

Seamless Integration: C2C Fashtech’s solution excels in seamlessly integrating software products into the C2C Fashion and Technology ecosystem, providing API companies with an effortless and efficient way to connect with businesses, reducing integration complexities and saving valuable time and resources.

Client-Centric Approach: C2C Fashtech prioritizes the needs of its clients, empowering API companies with granular control over client access and usage. This focus on customization and personalization ensures a tailored experience, enhancing client satisfaction and building strong, long-lasting partnerships.

Ecosystem Collaboration: Unlike traditional API integration platforms, C2C Fashtech fosters collaboration within the fashion and technology industry by enabling businesses to explore a diverse range of API programs from various providers. This ecosystem integration opens up new avenues for partnerships and business expansion.

Revenue-Sharing Model: C2C Fashtech’s innovative revenue-sharing model sets it apart from competitors, providing a sustainable and mutually beneficial approach. By contributing a percentage of sales per licensed API subscription, API companies participate in the platform’s continuous development, ensuring ongoing innovation and support.

Advice from Samuel Alexander

The Worlds Times: What benefits are clients getting from “C2CFASHTECH” in this competitive world?

Features of C2C fashtech:

Dashboard: A comprehensive dashboard providing real-time analytics and insights into the subscription base, enabling data-driven decision-making and optimization of offerings for API companies.

Subscription Management: Efficiently manage client subscriptions, including on-boarding new clients, tracking usage, and ensuring a seamless subscription experience for API companies.

Client Control: Granting granular control over client access and usage, ensuring security, privacy, and compliance with specific requirements for API companies.

Ecosystem Integration: The platform facilitates exploration of a wide range of API programs from different providers, fostering collaborations, partnerships, and expanded business horizons for businesses.

Revenue Model: API companies can benefit from a one-time setup fee of $500 per company and a revenue-sharing model, contributing 20% of their sales per licensed API subscription, ensuring ongoing development and support for the platform.

Benefits of C2C Fashtech:

Enhanced Analytics and Decision-making: The real-time analytics provided by the dashboard empower API companies to make data-driven decisions, optimizing their offerings and strategies for better outcomes.

Streamlined Subscription Management: With efficient subscription management, API companies can onboard new clients seamlessly, track usage effectively, and ensure a high-quality experience, leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Improved Security and Control: The granular client control feature ensures API companies can maintain a secure environment, protect sensitive data, and comply with specific regulations, building trust with clients and establishing long-term partnerships.

Expanding Business Opportunities: By facilitating access to a diverse range of API programs, businesses can explore new opportunities, collaborate with different providers, and expand their reach, ultimately fostering innovation and growth.

Sustainable Revenue Model: The one-time setup fee and revenue-sharing model allow API companies to access the platform’s benefits while ensuring continuous development and support, leading to a sustainable ecosystem that consistently adds value to its users.

The Worlds Times: Would you like to say anything else to our viewers?

Samuel Alexander:

Samuel Alexander-CEO

C2C Fashion and Technology LLC

Austin, Texas 78717