About Alokeh Odai’s Life & Company Life

The Worlds Times: Explain your background and your Company’s in detail.

Alokeh Odai: Coming from an engineering background, I have spent the last 10+ years leading projects for international clients in roles as varied as Solution Architect and Product Owner. My strengths lie in providing sustainable solutions and enhancing project performance, equipping me with the dual capabilities of business acumen and technical expertise to drive meaningful change.

Devista is a technology consulting firm that specializes in three core areas: Custom Product Development, Enterprise E-Commerce Solutions, and Cloud Development.

Our mission is to co-create meaningful change with our clients through business-minded tech solutions.

Our approach goes beyond merely implementing technology; we aim to transform how our clients operate, sell, and serve their customers.

The Worlds Times: Why did you start “DEVISTA”?

Alokeh Odai: We founded Devista to introduce a new approach to technology solutions, one that prioritizes meaningful change over mere project completion. The company is founded on the principle of a holistic approach, one that offers deep insights into both technology and business. This philosophy has informed our ethos of co-creating impactful transformations with our clients.

The Worlds Times: Give us one word that describes you the best.

Alokeh Odai: “Co-creator.”

This word encapsulates our approach to technology solutions, our collaborative spirit, and commitment to working alongside our clients to achieve meaningful change.

Strength & Goals of DEVISTA

The Worlds Times: What are your goals?

Alokeh Odai: In the short term, our goal is to assist businesses in adapting to the ever-evolving e-commerce environment. We aim to implement cloud services that specifically target operational efficiencies, streamlining processes and reducing overhead costs for our clients.

In the long run, we aim to become industry leaders in providing tailored tech solutions. We intend to serve as trusted advisors for businesses, guiding them in the selection, utilization, and integration of top-tier enterprise software solutions. Alongside our consulting services, we are also incubating new product ideas, focusing on data management and customer engagement that we believe will disrupt traditional business models. Ultimately, we aim to enable businesses to go beyond mere competitiveness, redefining their potential and shaping industry standards.

The Worlds Times: What do you feel is the biggest strength of “DEVISTA” right now?

Alokeh Odai: Our greatest strength at Devista lies in our commitment to co-creation. While many companies offer tech solutions, we distinguish ourselves by actively involving our clients in every step of the creation process.

We do more than just solve problems; we collaborate closely with our clients to understand their needs, aspirations, and limitations. This co-creative approach enables us to develop solutions that are not only technically robust but also finely tuned to our clients’ business objectives and future visions.

Path Took by Alokeh Odai

The Worlds Times: What was the path you took to get to where you are today?

Alokeh Odai: I began my career as a software engineer and gradually transitioned into roles that enabled me to integrate technology with business solutions. My experience as a Solution Architect provided me with a deep understanding of the complexities and challenges that businesses encounter. This served as the foundation for Devista, where we address these specific issues through specialized tech solutions.

Challenges faced by Alokeh Odai

The Worlds Times: What have been the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome during the journey of your leadership?                                           

Alokeh Odai: One of the biggest challenges has been aligning our technological expertise with the rapidly evolving business landscapes of our clients. Another challenge has been scaling the team while maintaining the quality and ethos that make us unique. It’s an ongoing journey of learning, adaptation, and commitment to our core values of business sense, enthusiasm, and impact.

The Worlds Times: What are the key values which helped you to overcome the challenges in your path? Tell us something about your memorable incident in your leadership?

Alokeh Odai: “The key values that have helped me and Devista overcome challenges are our commitment, enthusiasm, and business sense. These aren’t just words; they’re principles we live by. A memorable incident was when we were working on a complex integration project for a major client. Halfway through, we encountered a technical barrier that seemed insurmountable. But thanks to our team’s commitment and business sense, we pivoted our strategy and not only solved the issue but enhanced the client’s system in ways they hadn’t imagined.”

Vision & Strategies of DEVISTA

The Worlds Times: What do you value the most about “DEVISTA” vision?

Alokeh Odai: “What I value most about Devista’s vision is its emphasis on meaningful change. We are not content with just solving a problem; we strive to enable our clients to achieve something extraordinary. This vision to elevate businesses through technology is what drives me and my team every day.”

The Worlds Times: What are the strategies of “DEVISTA” and how do you stand unique from your competitors?

Alokeh Odai: “Devista employs a multi-faceted strategy to achieve its mission. We begin with our proprietary ‘Discovery & Enhancement™ workshop,’ which ensures a tailored solution based on deep understanding and collaboration.

Our specialization in Custom Product Development, Enterprise Solutions, and Cloud Development allows us to offer targeted services that few competitors can match. What sets us apart is our business-minded approach to technology. We don’t just provide technical solutions; we co-create business transformations.”

Future & Benefits of DEVISTA

The Worlds Times: How do you see “DEVISTA” changing in two years, and how do you see yourself creating that change?

Alokeh Odai: In two years, I see Devista expanding its service offerings and scaling into new markets. I envision a stronger focus on emerging technologies like AI and IoT to provide even more robust solutions. As for myself, I intend to lead this change by continuing to foster a culture of innovation, commitment, and customer-centricity within the team.

The Worlds Times: What benefits are your clients getting from “DEVISTA” in this competitive world?

Alokeh Odai: Our clients benefit from a unique blend of technical prowess and business acumen. Unlike traditional tech firms that focus solely on technical deliverables, Devista delivers business transformations. We help clients accelerate time-to-market, enhance operational efficiency, and most importantly, achieve meaningful change that positions them ahead of their competition.

Advice by Alokeh Odai

The Worlds Times: Would you like to say anything else to our viewers?

Alokeh Odai:  I’d like to say that in today’s fast-paced world, choosing the right partner for your digital journey is crucial. At Devista, we are not just a service provider; we are your partners in achieving remarkable change. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, we’re all in.

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